A big thank you to those who stuck with me through my kind of blogging marathon. I didn’t make all my days as planned, but I’m pretty pleased what I did accomplish. Blogtoberfest was a huge help in getting my blogging off the ground, planning posts ahead of time and most of all, sticking to a schedule. Now, I feel I can roll into NaNoWriMo with some purpose and determination.
How did I do it? I pre-wrote a lot of the posts. Then, I decided, for it to be a true Blogtoberfest, I should make an effort to blog every day. At times, real life intruded, but to be honest, if I am going to be a writer….this IS part of my real life. Treating writing as a job rather than something I merely dabbled in, I learned, is the key to making it work for me. Your mileage may vary.
Anyhoo, Happy Halloween – I’m writing this on the Monday before, because I have no idea what the situation will be on Wednesday.
Again, thank you to all who commented, stopped by and clicked!
Have wonderful, safe day!