Given that it is Evernight’s two year anniversary, I wanted to take this time to pause, take a breath and reflect. My first book, Kitty Wishes was published a year ago this month. My first foray into the heady world of e-publishing.

image courtesy of
I’m not a prolific writer. Piecing together a cohesive narrative with fully fleshed out characters is a painstaking process for and often as not, I’m dissatisfied with the final output. But I’ve learned to live with it, know that it’s NEVER going to be as good as I want to to be. Heck, I could go on tweaking the same paragraph forever.
But I don’t. I have to let the little stories out into the world where you, the reader, can enjoy them. And I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them. I must admit, it IS fun. I wouldn’t endure the torture of creating if it wasn’t, you know?
I’ve been asked many times if there will be a sequel to Kitty Wishes and I’ve demurred on an answer because I truly did not know how to continue the story of Sakaria and Desmond. I mean.. SPOILER ALERT they’re together at the end right? Then I started thinking about it and with the help of a wonderful support system of author friends, I have begun tentative work on a sequel…..of sorts. Let’s just say Ms. Sakaria will be making an appearance.
For those of you who haven’t experience the magic of Kitty Wishes, here’s an old Six Sentence Sunday excerpt:
The setup is that our heroine, Sakaria has been cursed to be a shapeshifting cat, and needs a fella to break the spell for her. Luckily, she is dating a nice guy, but isn’t really sure how to up the ante so that he does what he’s supposed to do to break the spell, and she’s running out of time. Her friend Julie gives her a bit of tricky advice that Sakaria is reluctant to take.
Sakaria looked into her glass, the milky ice cubes staring blankly back at her. “It’s not bad at all,” she said, grinning. “But it just seems so…” she hitched her shoulders quickly. “Dishonest.”
“Once you’re blowing him, he’s not going to care.” Julie turned her glass up to get the last drop.
There you go, folks. And if you simply can’t wait to get Kitty Wishes in your hot little e-book readers, then mosey on over to All Romance e-Books. It is on sale for TWO DOLLARS. You can’t do better than that. TWO DOLLARS, right? Pick it up. I promise you will have fun with it.