Happy July, everyone. It’s been while, but I’m dusting off my idea list and getting back to work on the blog. At first, my goal was to take a short break, then when things happened in 2020, the short break turned into a longer one. I’m sure I don’t have to go into more detail.

But here we are now, back together on the blog. I’m so glad you’re here. From this time going forward, I hope we meet on a more frequent basis.
Let’s update.
Update 1:
My son graduated from HIGH SCHOOL! Listen, I thought I had it together, but I swear I was bedridden the Monday before the actual ceremony. You see, I enjoyed the IDEA of him graduation…moving on to his next phase in life, but damn, that’s my first boy-chick! Rest assured I got the mommy-is-having-a-breakdown blues out of my system and was able to enjoy and be proud of number-one son. (I only say he’s number one because he was born first. No shade to my younger son.) But oh, what a milestone.
Update 2:
After not writing for a long time, (which will be addressed in another blog post) I was finally able to produce a paranormal romance/drama novel which has been accepted as a first in a series by Totally Entwined Publishing. Let me tell you, after a long, long drought and many moments…well months, of self-doubt this is breath of fresh air into both my writing career and my personal achievements.
Let’s talk about how I got to this point. It wasn’t easy. I hired an author coach, who takes care of the whole author, as well as a writing coach who takes care of the author’s writing. I have to say, I am not sorry to have spent the money on either. Both coaches helped me focus on my style, my creativity, and the best way for me to get things done.
It wasn’t cheap, but I don’t regret biting the bullet and spending the money. The clarity and support gained in both my author and personal life, is well worth the dollars spent.
Lesson learned: Just because writing is a solitary exercise doesn’t mean you always have to do it alone.
Update 3:
We got a dog! In March of this year, we were the proud new family for Charlotte, who is apparently a Dogo Argentino. I posted her picture on Instagram, and a few commenters there and on Facebook said she looked like a Dogo. Mind you, I had to look up the breed because I’d never heard of it, and wow, it’s so true. Check out this lovely pup putting ALL of her white hair on my blue chair:

There it is. A brief update on me, and hopefully, a fresh start to the blog. Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you back here soon!