If you are a writer with a full time job, or have extra duties in the home, I bet you sometimes wish that you could lock yourself in a closet and use that time to write, write, write. Only when you get that time, you find yourself looking at a blinking cursor on a blank, white page.
I am a stay at home mom and my children are in school all day. That means that I’ve got tons of time to write, right? No. There are dishes to be done, floors to be vacuumed, laundry to be done and let’s not forget the dog that thinks her task is demanding that you pet her every time you sit down at the computer.
There’s also the distraction of those awful daytime television shows and those tons of movies that you’ve recorded and haven’t had a chance to watch. And, there is always the lure of that huge, empty bed and the promise of “I’ll be a lot fresher if I take a nap.”
As Public Enemy said, “Don’t Believe the Hype”.
Creativity is something that cannot be forced. But it can be nurtured.
Proper brain function is important for every aspect of life, but especially when you are trying to focus your thinking and your creativity for a certain amount of time. When you are a busy person in general, the time that you spend at the computer, creating, must be productive.
What’s my secret? Herbs! I’m a crunchy, granola, hippy type of gal and I believe in herbs, essential oils and supplements.
Herbs won’t make you produce faster, but I have found that it improves my concentration and keeps me focused on the task at hand.
Now, I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on television, consult a medical care professional before you take my advice. However, some of the herb supplements I use for mental clarity are “Better Brain” by Gardens of Life. It’s an extra bonus because you also get some Omega 3 fatty acids. And who can’t use more Omega 3 fatty acids?
You could also try Himalaya Herbal Healthcare, MindCare, as well as Eclectic Institute Fresh Freeze-Dried Ginkgo Gotu Kola Combo.
Again, consult your doctor before beginning any herbal supplement regimen. Just because the supplements are natural doesn’t mean that they are right for everyone.
Happy writing!