Hey all! I know I’ve been away for a bit. With three little ones, the end of school week can a be a bit of a blur. Between the graduations, the teacher’s gifts and the parties, it is a miracle I was able to take a breath. But I’m back with another review for you.
Though I titled this a horror, it could easily be classified as a thriller. It’s a little strange and confusing at times, but I enjoyed it…though I would not watch it again.
Title: The Frozen
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Director: Andrew Hyatt
IMDB link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2363439/
No, this is not the Disney movie that took the world by storm. Look, I’m a huge sucker for going into the woods and bad things happening movies. Here is the synopsis according to IMDB:
After a harrowing snowmobile accident, a young couple is stranded in the woods and must survive while waiting for help to arrive. Events take a turn for the worse after the disappearance of Emma’s boyfriend, leaving her on her own not only to battle the elements, but also to elude a mysterious hunter who is tracking her through the forest.
I’m a simple chick. I like movies that scare, surprise and make me think. I’m not that kind of gal who tries to second guess the movie or make predictions on where the movie is going to go. No. Nope, not me. I just sit back and enjoy the narrative as laid out by the director and actors.
It’s such a simple movie and the backdrop of the cold, unforgiving wilderness serves to put a telling chill into the setting. What would you do if you were in an accident and your companion goes off to get help, leaving you alone in a tent? Then, you start to hear things…..
There is a lot of good camera work and convincing acting by the lead actress. The atmosphere was tense, especially when the pursuing bad guy was introduced. And the pervasive snow in the movie made me feel cold!
I see most of the folks on IMDB gave it a 4 out of 10. I say give the movie a chance. Go into it with fresh eyes and no expectations/predictions of what will happen. I’m not trying to say it’s a masterpiece and it’s nothing new and different, but somehow this quiet little movie endeared itself to me.
Grade: B-
Oooo this looks good. Love the snow/woods element. I love horror movies, even though they almost always give me nightmares. I wrote a post on movies to watch around Halloween, feel free to go comment a link to this on the page if you want http://www.curiouswriter.com/20-great-movies-for-halloween-something-for-everyone/ the people who read that post would probably like this one.
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