Opening Title: Gotham – Ten Years Ago
A bald man pulls on leather gloves looking in a cloudy mirror in what looks like a flophouse. He’s whispering “I am the spirit of the goat” as he puts on a scary looking mask. Again, this is 8 pm folks!! Weirdo stuff happening even before Monday Night Football kicks off? Let’s see what goat man is up to. He punches the mirror. I guess he doesn’t know that means seven years of bad luck…but with the way he was carrying, I guess he doesn’t care.
Some woman in a lux looking apartment gets kidnapped by the Goat. He says her name “Shelly.” People, lock your doors, okay? And get rid of the filmy looking curtains at the windows. Criminals love that crap.
Cut to Harvey Bullock and his partner who already has a flask to his lips. This show is so fun, so comic book that I love it!! They spot the van belonging to some killer/kidnapper. Harvey goes to investigate while drunken partner calls for backup.
Drunken partner is Cher’s father from Clueless!!! He gives some exposition on the goat guy. Randall (goat guy) believes he’s the reincarnation of some ancient murderous goat spirit. Harvey goes in anyway, despite Cher’s father’s warning “No heroes.”
Goat guy is lurking about when the two policemen come in. Some talky-talk back and forth, you’re under arrest, etc and Goat Guy pulls a trap door. Cher’s father is hurt but Bullock shoots the bad, bald guy.
In the present time, they see the same configuration of a dead body. Apparently, the Goat always kills the first born of wealthy family.
Nygma wants to explain a riddle about the wolf and the cabbage. He’s rather persistent.

Oh, lord. Barbara and Jim arguing back and forth. My lord, I know we need to have some drama in Jim’s life, but Barbara is too much for me. She wants to carry “half” of what he carries. Mind you, it sounds really nice, but it still is police business. However, I digress. Looks like they’re making up….then Jim’s beeper goes off. He promised to “tell her everything…everything I can.”
Sorry, just not feeling nosy Barbara right now.
Montoya and her friend are still investigating Oswald’s false death. Montoya is pleased about getting a positive ID on Jim doing the shooting.
Bullock pokes Jim about being late and looking terrible. Bullock gives Jim the lowdown. They going to see the victim’s family. Nygma gets a special linger by the camera after Bullock snaps at him.
Of course, everybody loved the victim and the father does a strange hand gesture. They speak with the Hasting family therapist. The father has a “delicate condition”. Bullock realizes the family is under medication.

Nygma goes to the record room where he meets the clerk, Miss Kringle. They greet each other and he SNIFFS at her when she walks by him. Have I said how much I love this show? He discusses the Goat with Miss Kringle. Kristen Kringle. Nygma complains about the organization of the records room and tries to mack on her. He, is turned down. Ha!
Oswald goes to visit his mother, Carol Kane. Oh, I love these two. Mama Cobblepot loves her Oswald.
At the autopsy of the victim. A penny is stitched under the scalp of the victim. It is suspected that it is not a copycat, but the real person. Why is it so dark in the station?? Bullock has to go talk to Cher’s father to make sure he didn’t tell anyone about the penny.
Oh, look, it’s Bruce and Alfred. Alfred suggests that Bruce leave town, since he is the first born of a wealthy family. Bruce declines. “Why would the Goat take me? There’s no one to take me from.” Lingering look on Alfred.
Nygma has rearranged the record room. It’s so cute that he has a crush on the record room gal. Then he leaves her with the mess he made after she scolds him.
Dicks (Cher’s father) is in a wheelchair from his injuries. They want to know if Dicks told anyone. They all agree that they told no one. Randall was not working alone. “What you have is a conspiracy.” Dicks also tells Jim that Harvey is a white knight.
Harvey has guilt over Dicks’ injuries and is taking care of him behind the scenes.
Mansion. Goat dude gets the maid, then the rich girl. Amber.
Barbara and Renee have a chat on the courthouse steps. Barbara tells Renee that she will tell her what’s going on.

Renee warns Barbara to get out of Gotham “until this is over”.
Back to Nygma, who is getting more interesting. He drinks from a coffee cup with a question mark on it. Ha! He helps Jim and Harvey narrow down the suspect.
Wow. Harvey and Jim pull up to the same house from the opening. Harvey’s got the deja vu. They bust in while the woman is still alive. Same scene plays out as before. Jim saves the girl while Harvey looks for The Goat.
Jim beats up The Goat and they manage to arrest him.
Ah, look, it’s Selina at the Wayne Mansion. Bruce is asleep on the couch, as usual (doesn’t this kid have a bed?). Selina looks at all the research that Bruce has been doing, steals something, then watches him sleep for a bit. We hear Alfred’s footsteps approaching.

Oswald in the bathtub. His mother comes in with his suit and washes him. She tells him “You can trust no one, no one but your mother.” He tells her that he trusts Jim Gordon.
Bullock doesn’t think this is the end of the Goat. Jim is like “let’s go now”, but Bullock tells him to go home and get some rest. What’s with the flickering lights?? Anyway, the man they caught seems to suddenly “wake up” and say “no, no, no.”
Jim at home. Barbara tells Jim that Montoya has a warrant for his arrest. Again with the “what’s going on”. Barbara implores him to come leave with her. What? A knock at the door. Jim tells her “I can’t run.” It’s the police there to arrest him.
Bullock goes and speaks to the Hastings family therapist. Guess what, she’s a HYPNOTIST, but she calls it hypnotherapy. Oh, yeah, and she does pro bono work for ….twelve years now. Don’t sleep on Bullock, he asks her about all the “bad guys”. She turns evil and her plot comes out. Bullock, stop monologuing and arrest this woman! She claims it’s an act of therapy for Gotham. The rich are a pox on the city, she says. Gotham needed this, no matter how painful it was. The hypnotist sics the butler on Bullock but Bullock prevails.
Just right now, here comes Jim under arrest. They arrest Bullock also. Hey, look who’s here! It’s Oswald Cobblepot. He knows how to make an entrance!
Harvey: “You son of a bitch!”