Hello, all you lovely readers! So glad you joined us today. Our special guest in the Luscious hot seat is Rosanna Leo and she’s bringing us some oceanic sexiness with her newest release, The Selkie. Let’s get to know Rosanna a little better.
Out of your published stories, which character is your favorite?
I think my fave will always be Maia, my dorky heroine from For the Love of a God. Out of all my heroines, she’s most like me. A little too scholarly, a little too awkward but her heart is in the right place. She’s devoted to her friends and family and her passions. When I think of her, I still get a little smile on my face.
How do you come up with the titles of your books?
Great question! It is really is a case of inspiration striking as it will. I find titles are often really difficult to come up with. Sometimes it hits me immediately, but sometimes I just labor over them. I try to reflect the theme of the novel, but those titles just don’t always hit me right away.
What are some of the challenges you’ve faced as a writer?
Patience! Patience after being rejected several times. Patience waiting for books to come out. Patience waiting on edits. It’s a never-ending process but it’s made me more appreciative of that process. I’ve also had to overcome that pesky “I’m not good enough” mentality which likely strikes a lot of writers. You just have to put that work out there and hope it resonates with someone other than yourself.
Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
Well, I’ve always talked a lot about Diana Gabaldon. Her dedication to the history in her books is awe-inspiring. She is able to write romances that strike such a chord in me, but also do it with such respect for historical accuracy and detail.
Do you have a favorite out of the books you have written?
I couldn’t possibly choose! LOL. I love them all for different reasons and am proud of all of them.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
I’d have to pick my good friend Savannah Chase. I am so fortunate to live close to her and we’ve been able to meet up and talk writing on a regular basis. Not only is she super-talented, she’s a great buddy and a wonderful person to share a piece of cake with!
What’s your favorite scary movie?
Ooh! The one that still scares the bejeezus out of me is the original Hallowe’en movie. There are images from that film that haunt me still!
What’s the first costume you remember wearing as a child?
As a little girl, I was a fairy. I had only homemade costumes (back in the 70’s). My fairy costume consisted of my mother’s silky nighties- no wings!
Favorite Halloween candy?
Oh dear, I could eat those little bags of chips for ages! And because they’re so small, surely it’s not a crime to eat 10 in one sitting…right? Please, no one disagree with me!
If you could dress up as anyone for Halloween, who would it be?
I think, because I’ve been so inspired by mythology, I’d go as a goddess. But not a cheesy one. Really beautiful robes and laurel leaves and golden bracelets, with my hair done up in Grecian bands! The real good stuff!
Now that you’ve heard a little about what makes Rosanna tick, as well as her penchant for snack bags of chips, let’s take a peek The Selkie.
This was supposed to be her year. However, after losing her job and discovering her fiancé cheating, Maggie Collins has her doubts. When her grandmother dies, she hits rock bottom. Maggie travels to her grandmother’s home in Orkney, Scotland to sort through her gran’s things, only to discover the old woman has left her a seal pelt as her inheritance. She also learns that others are after the pelt.
To add to her frustration, Maggie’s dreams are filled with luscious images of a long-haired man, images that draw her to the magical beaches in Orkney. Although she’s lost her trust in men, this dream man inspires her with a lust she’s never known before.
Calan Kirk has also been dreaming. Dreaming of Maggie, the mortal woman who arouses him as no other woman ever has. Meeting her in the flesh when she arrives in Orkney is nothing short of spontaneous sexual combustion. But she is a human, and not to be trusted. He needs the seal pelt, not a red-haired temptress.
As a thief ransacks Maggie’s grandmother’s house, Maggie and Calan are thrust together. They must search for the animal skin, a mythical relic which once found, will either bring them together or rip them apart forever.
She was attempting to stand on her wobbly legs, only to fall back down on her bottom, when she heard the sound of splashing water. Thinking it was her seal, Maggie turned to look.
Her breath caught in her throat. It wasn’t the animal at all.
It was a man. He was rising out of the waves, walking toward her. She froze. He was nude, utterly nude, and was staring at her with overflowing intimacy. As if they’d had, God help her, relations.
And she realized, with sudden panic, they’d had! In her dreams. He was the seal-man from all her sex dreams.
No. Impossible.
Her first instinct was to call for help, but there was no one near. And then she realized with frightening awareness that she didn’t want any help anyway. Glued to her spot, she couldn’t help but drink him in.
He was beautiful, if unnervingly wet and naked. He had long, shiny, brown hair that hung down past his shoulders. His face could have belonged on an ad for expensive cologne, and he had a body to match. Sculpted shoulders gave way to arms corded in muscle. His defined chest was blanketed by a smattering of sparse, brown hair that led tantalizingly to his rock-hard abs.
Maggie held her breath as her gaze traveled lower on his body, taking in trim calves and thighs a quarterback would envy. And, she noted with simultaneous hunger and horror, his penis was the biggest she’d ever had the pleasure of seeing. It was thick and long and glistening with the droplets of water that yet cascaded over his body. And it seemed to be reaching for her. She gulped, and forced herself to look back up at his face.
There was a faint glow about his skin, a shimmery aura. Dismissing it as a trick of the moonlight, she shook her head.
He was almost upon her, and his full lips were taut in a teasing grin. Maybe he was a surfer who’d lost not only his board, but his shorts in the waves. She knew she should be frantic, but wasn’t. There was something in his brown eyes that was so familiar, so soothing, even as they swept over her own body with lustful appreciation.
He stopped in front of her, and stood boldly, unashamed of his glorious nakedness. She managed to spit out one hushed word. “You.”
“You,” was his equally awed reply.
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Hello Luscious Literaries!! Thanks so much for having today for a really fun interview and feature. I appreciate it. 🙂
Hi Rosanna. Greet to have you here today. Looooooove the excerpt.
Hi Lynn!! So glad you came! Thank you. Glad my Selkie gave you a little morning tease!
I echo W Lynn. Nothing like a hot excerpt to get the blood moving in the morning. Thank you for visiting with us.
Hi Dahlia!! Waves!! Thanks so much for having me here. You’re the best, lady!
So nice to have you here Rosanna! I love the Selkie myths! Great excerpt look forward to reading it.
Thank you Nikki! I am so happy to be here. Thanks for the love!
You had a cool mom, Rosanna! My mom wore flannel! LOL I learned more about you today, and you haven’t scared me off yet! Congratulations on The Selkie – and warmest wishes for many happy sales.
LOL, Sheri- oh, my mom had flannels too! You sure I haven’t scared you? Hahaha. Thanks so much my friend!
Rosanna, thank you for the mention.I’m the one who feels honored to know you and to watch you grow to the author you are today. I am a fan and will always be. I just love your work..I look forward to what the future holds for you.
Hi Savannah!! From now on when I see you, I’m calling you my mentor lady! LOL!! Thanks for all you’ve given me!
Hi Rosanna, I really enjoyed the interview and have really enjoyed the Selkie myth (even though I’d never heard of it before connecting with you online).
Hi Vallory!! Thanks! I’m so glad I exposed you to something new and fun. I appreciate you visiitng me here.
Great interview, ladies! Rosanna, you’re such a cool lady. And you write some hot, sexy books, lady. Wishing you continued success. 🙂
I love erotica with a good plot! Added to my TBR list!