It’s Friday and I must say this has been some week. Despite the super high temps on Monday here in the Northeast USA, dental surgery and various family mishaps, I finished a story. Finished. Fin.
Now, the editing process begins, the tweaking, the second guessing, etc. However, I will gladly embrace this part of the process because I am working on a finished product.
Finishing a piece, whether it be 3 k or 30k give me a sense of accomplishment that boosts my creativity for the next project. Now, I don’t know whether that’s good or bad, but I’ve learned to carry a notebook in which I scribble bare-bones synopses (synopsisesss?) of upcoming stories. In the time that I’ve been writing, I’ve learned a few things.
1) Have a couple of WIPs in progress (while you are working on one, your mind is going a mile a minute on the other. Use the passive aggressiveness of your muse to your advantage)
2) Set a word count. My goal varies between 1000 and 2500 a day. I have three children, so I can’t spend as much time in front of the computer as I’d like ot. (See the little notebook)
3) When you get an idea ALWAYS WRITE IT DOWN (Did I mention the little notebook?
4) Whine to your author friends on Facebook. Not only will they give you the support you need, you also see your whiny words in black and white and realize, “Wow, I’m really whiny! I could have written 200 words on my WIP instead of whining away like that!” (But one does deserve a whine post every now and again…)
So I’m already outlining the next story. And have two other waiting for my attention. I say I’m going into the weekend with a pleasantly full plate!