Yes, I’ve got the inside scoop on how to break that writer’s block. It doesn’t include sitting at the computer, banging one’s head against the keyboard, nor does it mean surf the web for other writer’s blog so you can sit and lament to yourself how much better they are than you. No, no, no. While it may feel right at the time, it does nothing to loosen up that Muse.
Don’t curse the Muse. Love the Muse and they might..MIGHT…love you back. There’s always hope, I suppose.
First things first. In order for the Muse to create, you have to bore them. I repeat. YOU.MUST.BORE.THEM.
You see , as a mother and a teacher, I’ve found that the children get into the most mischief when they have nothing to do. Treat your muse like a child. Bore them.
Get up from the computer. Leave it behind. Never mind that you’ve allotted these two hours to work. Don’t put yourself under too much pressure or you’ll kill that Muse. They’ll sit there, with a half-grin on their face and appraise you. However, they won’t give you anything you need.
Take a walk, do some dishes, vacuum the rug. Stare at a wall. Sort the mail. I bet somewhere in these boring task not only will you find something to give you that spark, but you will also bore your Muse so much, they’ll be spewing out creatively wonderful prose faster than your fingers can type.
Boredom loosens up the Muse.They can’t take the fact you aren’t gnashing your teeth in frustration and wringing your hands helplessly at their intractability.
And loosen up the Muse you must in order to write the prose that sings, that communicates everything you want to your reader. Here, you must remember that you are telling a story above all else. Enjoy the story you tell. Don’t beat yourself up to get it.
Very cute website, Dahlia!
I agree with you about walking away. I learned that when I force it I just end up with crap, so now I just walk away and do something else. Good post!
Delaney Diamond recently posted…A New Kind of Couple: White Collar Woman / Blue Collar Man
I also agree about walking away. Great post!
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