I decided to sit down and write this post today because there is usually a lot of discussion among writers about writer’s block and how to overcome it. I am a slow writer, I admit it. And I often have a few stories in the queue because I tend to lose interest quickly, especially if a scene is not going well, or I discover (make up) new things about my characters.
Sometimes, however you have to buckle down and finish a chapter or a scene and it’s just not working. So, I use music. And not the typical “baby making music”, although I think babies can be made from any kind of music, from Schubert, to Sinatra, to Springsteen, to Sam Cooke, to Twisted Sister, to whatever floats your boat.
When I’m stuck in a writing a physical love scene, when I just can’t find the words to express what I want to say and I’ve trolled the thesaurus several times and things still aren’t coming together, I fall back on music.
Since I come from a long line of musicians and have played several instruments, I know the passion that is needed to turn a piece of music into something that is both evocative to the listener and an emotional experience for the musician.
The same thing goes for writing romance. I have written physical love scenes that were technically “right there” but boring as heck to read. I have also written physical love scenes that were awkward and didn’t quite “flow” but truly evoked the feelings between the hero and the heroine. I’d rather tweak on of the latter scenes than slave forever over the former.
I’ve prattled on enough, let’s get to the songs! (This is just an excuse for me to get to YouTube, you know…)
How about “Nobody Does it Better”?
“I wasn’t looking, but somehow you found me….”
Nobody Does it Better – Carly Simon
“I’m going crazy/I’m losing sleep/I’m in too far, I’m in way too deep/ over you….” Cheap Trick..The Flame
You can’t lose with Journey – Open Arms
And All the Things you Are – Sinatra
“Some day, my happy arms will hold you/And some day, I’ll know that moment divine/When all the things you are, are mine….”
All The Things You Are – Frank Sinatra
These are just a sampling of the songs that I use to boost me further in writing my narrative and/or putting some emotion in physical love scenes. What are some of your “musical creativity boosters?”