Welcome to BlogtoberFest 2019!
Even though I consider myself mainly a romance writer, there’s nothing like being scared every once in a while. I’ve done Blogtoberfest for quite a few years now, and I look forward to it every season.
For those unfamiliar with the tradition, BlogtoberFest is my way of celebrating the Halloween season with all things scary, creepy, and that go bump in the night. Everybody loves a good scare, right? Well, hold on for the ride because you’re going to exactly what you clicked here for.
Stay tuned for a month of horror movies, scary stories, urban legends and folklore. You’ll get horror movie reviews, music recommendations as well as recipes, makeup ideas and decor ideas. Oh yes, I try to cover it all. If one post doesn’t do it for you, stay tuned because I’m sure there will be a post that you’ll like. I promise!
So grab yourself a Bloody Mary or a Vampire Cocktail and settle in for the ride. If there’s something you want to see, don’t be afraid to leave a comment or send me a message.